So yesterday was the final break through before the beach ride… I actually did it, I was a bit nervous and an it was a case of ‘just do it’ jelly wobbles that got me through. Oh and the fact I have the best horse ever! He knew what I was asking from him and he was so up for it.
In the past when I have let others ride him, Nas has been a lil bugger and made them work like hell and still not doing what they want, the times I’ve seen my horse doing a very fast trot around the school refusing to strike of into canter!
But yesterday a despite a couple of false starts and striking of on the wrong leg, which I prefer to call counter-canter, in truth though at the time I had no idea it was the wrong leg. I was just happy to have him cantering. Boy what a different feeling to what I remember in fairness it has been over 18yrs since I last cantered.
The power from behind that was pushing me up out of the saddle was something I wasn’t expecting. Luckily I had my friend on the ground to give me pointers and tell me to lean back, despite me thinking I was leaning back. It just goes to show what you think you are doing is often not what you are doing.
Excuse my collapsing on him when we come down a pace. It’s one of my weak spots I don’t seem to have the strength to keep myself in tune with him, I think breathing helps at times like that maybe once I get over the whole riding on my nerves thing I will be able to relax a bit more.
I can’t believe the difference in me since last week’s ride even; yesterday I was more agile and even able to lift my leg above the saddle so my friend could tighten the girth. You should have seen me a few weeks ago on the first ride of 2012. I was so unbalanced I was convinced I was going to take him down with me.
The only complaint I have today is my knees hurt both of them. This is unusual normally it’s just my left one that gives me a bit of gyp. I’m not sure if it’s to do with the extra riding or the dismounting. Either way it’s not going to stop me getting on again today.