I have a confession to make, its one I’ve been hiding for a while from myself my family and the world lol. We all know I’m addicted to food and not just the nice posh stuff I like a bit of junk food, nothing beats a cheap burger when you’re standing shivering at a horse show. Or a McDonalds breakfast after a boot sale. This post however is not about food for once or horses, well maybe there is a link to horses….
It’s Magazines… I just can’t stop buying them I love them and as my time for reading books has got less and less I now buy more they are quick and easy to read and more often than not I just flick through looking at the pictures. This obsession first started when I was a little tot and would get the ‘Whizzer’ comic and a bag of penny sweets with my pocket money. I’d happily read ‘Beano’, ‘Dandy’ as well. As I got older and into ponies and riding it progressed onto ‘Horse and Pony’ magazine as well as ‘Pony’. there was also this one called ‘Horse Sense’ where you got a binder to save them all up in, – hang on just going to check out eBay to see if anyone listing some – ok back, none for sale at the moment. After this I progressed onto the teenage mag’s ‘Just Seventeen’, ‘Mizz’ oh and not forgetting ‘More’ very risqué lol.
Towards the end of my teens I started getting into the slimming magazines ‘Weight Watchers’ ‘Slimming World’ and ‘Slimmer’ there weren’t that many at the time but usually most magazines had at least one article about someone losing weight or some miraculous LBD diet. I would read them all totally transfixed but I can’t ever remember following any of the diets. I then went through what I thought was a sophisticated phase and bought ‘Cosmopolitan’ and ‘Marie Claire’. I soon got fed up with all the lovely skinny models and way out of my prize range clothes so I hopped back to ‘Heat’ and ‘Closer’ with the occasional ‘Hello’ or ‘Ok’, esp. if they had an article about Boyzone (yep this really is a time for confession’s lol)
Obviously when I was pregnant I got into the entire pregnancy magazine range and the websites. But the one I have stuck with and still buy now, even though it also has out of my price range kid’s clothes is ‘Junior’ magazine. it’s a brilliant magazine every month it has something relevant to Horatio’s age, as well as a look at the new products available and a little bit of celeb gossip. I would highly recommend it to any mum.
I now also buy the ‘Your Horse’ and ‘Horse and Rider’ with the occasional ‘Horse and Hound’, I don’t know why I keep buying them to be honest. usually there is something on the front cover that grabs my attention – normally just a gear guide will be enough to make me want it – I have kept most of them over the past year because I don’t honestly think I have read one all the way through and I keep saying I will and keep the articles that are interesting.
The other magazine obsession I have right now is Christmas magazine’s usually the recipe ones but mainly I buy them to see the gift section. on top of this I also collect up all the catalogue the shops have out, just so I am on top of what’s about to buy for that elusive Christmas present. Christmas magazines to me are like Christmas films they all help build up to the occasion (ok I admit it ‘I love Christmas’).

Christmas magazines and catalogue's, ironically i dont actually buy for many people now, and most the recipes involve alchohol
I’m not sure where this obsession has come from, my mum would buy the word search type books and the only thing I ever saw my dad read as a kid was the Miller’s price guide. I think I have passed it on to Horatio he’s just as bad as me, but then I think his is because he actually wants the toy, which reminds me over the years I have had quite a few good freebies where have they gone, and the toys you use to get in cereal. If they bought them back maybe I would be more inclined to eat it.