Tag Archive for snow

Nas Plays Scatter-The-Ponies

Day one of the diet went ok… I stuck to two meals, lunch was a chicken and mayo sarnie followed by a shortbread slice. Dinner was beef stew and dumplings followed by a toffee yoghurt (not the low fat kind). There was no snacking in between and despite being hungry no late evening munching. Today I have woken up hungry… Read more →

It’s S’now Good!

I’m finding it really hard to get motivated at the moment, it’s weird because just after Christmas I was so up for it and instantly seemed to settle back into my plan. But then time of the month and a lot of stress seemed to come all at once. With the added pressure of school runs and the imminent arrival… Read more →


I feel so tired, i think it’s the stress of the snow, now i don’t want to sound like a bah humbug because I’m not i just wish the snow had held off until after the 4 wheel drive on our car was fixed and that it hadn’t arrived on Horatio’s nursery days. Yesterday i was telling someone that i… Read more →

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