Tag Archive for snacking

Paris’s Dream

Well I finally done it, I finally got my youngster. I’ve been dreaming of this for years since I first saw national velvet and my granddad regaled stories of the two Arabs he’d broken. At the time I thought he was an authority on horses and what not. Even though I now know differently the thought has stayed with me.… Read more →

Today I Shall Be Good

No matter what, obviously I won’t be as good as some I’m exactly going to break open the ryvitas and cottage cheese, In my own way though I will be having a good day.  The party is well and truly over well sort of lol, Decorations are still up, and we have family coming in the week  I might make… Read more →

Almost Feeling Better

Usually when I have been ill in the past it completely wipes me out for a few days and then as soon as I start to feel better I go all out to catch up with what I haven’t been able to do. Normally someone would do Nas for me and I could just crash out on the sofa or… Read more →

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