Tag Archive for NAS

Diet Fad Tout…

I was once the kind of person that would endorse whatever faddy diet I was on, even if I had been on it only a few days. I was convinced this was ‘the one’ the answer to all my prayers I was finally going to be the weight of my dreams and it was all down to some other lotion… Read more →

Diet Club Dream

Hmm the word dream to me suggests something positive, there was certainly nothing positive about the dream I had, so I think just for now I shall call it a nitemare lol. About a week ago I had a dream about joining ‘slimming world’ with a friend – in the past I have probably joined slimming world somewhere between 5-10… Read more →

KFC… Hunger.

Argh yesterday I ended up taking a friend to the tack shop, so I thought I would grab a ‘kfc twister meal’ on the way… it was very nice, my only complaint was boy did it leave me hungry about 4ish my stomach was grumbling. I managed to hold out until 5ish when I had some of my banana brownies. Ok some… Read more →

Sun and Heat…

…Both on the same day. Woo Hoo! Nas is now spending his days and nights, as naked as the day he was born (second time I’ve used that phrase today lol). I think we are due for a few good days of sunshine… I sure do hope so. I need some of those rays to get me motivated and shifting… Read more →

Pfft 2 Crudités

Honesty is the best policy… So they say lol. So let’s just say I had a pretty dismal weekend, it involved lots of chocolate and grazing on snacks, quantity wise I probably ate the same amount of volume as NAS. Saturday we did roast pork, but not until after I had eaten sausage rolls, cheese baguette, and an Easter egg… Read more →

Mummies Day

It would be wrong of me to write a post on mummies day without mentioning my mum, I.ve said before how she died a few years ago (9yrs). She was 43 at the time a size 8 and was enjoying life. She went out one night with her boyfriend for a curry. From what I know she had a few… Read more →

Fitness Plateau

I’ve had a stressful few days; nothing major has happened just the usual general life moans. This hasn’t helped my mood generally when i find things a bit tough I go into shut down mode. I don’t want to talk to people, I don’t want to go out and do things. I start moaning about everything… basically life becomes a drag. Normally… Read more →

Water Water Everywhere..

So why do we buy it? For me it’s two reasons… Convenience Taste I have come to the conclusion that these by far outweigh the negatives… Cost Excess waste I love water, even as a kid it was my drink of choice. Back then I would drink it straight out of the tap, even on the yard you would usually… Read more →

Not Good/Not Bad

Following on from my last post, where the shock of not craving chocolate last Monday really threw me. I had a fairly good week i stuck to my plan, kind of. I didn’t have any chocolate but I did have some goodies… Friday I ended up having a load of biscuits (Oreo, fox’s) nearly bought cake as well, but then… Read more →

Exercise vs Diet

Or how about both? ….. I had a friend once who lost quite a bit of weight; I think I might have mentioned her before. But just to recap she lost about 6stone just through dieting alone- yep no exercise- as you can imagine by the end of it she was hardly eating, but hey if you’re in the zone… Read more →

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