The other thing is I’m always thinking about something that needs doing rather than concentrating on the task at hand. Usually when i am on the yard I am thinking the house needs tidying, I should be doing paperwork or vice versa when in the house I’m thinking I should be on the yard grooming and exercising NAS. Recently I spent a lot of time with NAS, believe me the house was a tip by the end of it. Now i got to take time out to spend some time in the house cleaning and tidying. I am always striving for that perfect system, where the house keeps itself relatively tidy and frees me up for more time on the yard.
No chance, if I leave Hubby alone in the house with Horatio for a day… It looks like a bomb has hit it. There are toys everywhere including by my side of the bed, argh. It’s the same outside; NAS has been on full livery for the past 2 days. And today I shall go around tidying up after everyone. I’m beginning to think it’s easier if I just do him. And don’t even get me started on the paperwork, the post goes into the drawer until it no more will fit in, then I have no choice but sort it out.
Again I don’t want to be like this, I want to be one of those super organised yummy mummy’s that turns up at the school gate immaculate… Not like I do now with shavings in my hair muddy boots, and a coat that stinks to high heaven of horses (luckily I don’t mind that smell, unluckily there are quite a few that don’t appreciate Eau de horse). On a plus note running around all the time trying to achieve this helps with my weight loss.
Even so far as shaving my legs more often, it actually burns up more calories (and uses fewer razors). Another hazard of horse people we live in jodhpurs (I will be when I can fit in them, for now its jeans or leggings). But what I’m trying to say for people that live in long trousers even through the summer there seems little point to keeping on top of the minor things like freshly shaved legs. oh and another thing it’s also a good stretching routine if you concentrate on your core at the same time, just try not to cut your legs that hurts…
I think this is one of the biggest contributors to my weight problem… (Yes not just the food). The fact I did and have become complacent and lazy…? If I found anything even marginally hard work i would either try to avoid it, or find a simpler easier solution. Such as putting my shoes on, it’s much easier to put my leg up on something to tie my shoelaces than it is to actually bend over and do it. It’s the same with socks. I have also been known to ask people to do them up for me. And if I’m really on it I can get them done up just enough so as to slip them on and off.
I know none of this is going to increase your fitness enough to do a 10k run, but what it will do is make your day to day living easier. And when you can do more for yourself without a struggle you feel more energised, happier, and content. Which will hopefully eventually lead you to feeling so much better about yourself you don’t need to sit on the sofa munching the blues away? You will have a fresher outlook.
It’s the small steps we take that lead to the big overhaul. And then taking time out to notice the small changes that have occurred. Oh and then appreciating them. That is often my problem for someone who does live in the past a lot, I often forget about the things I couldn’t/didn’t want to do when I was at my heaviest. Ok I’ve not even lost 3st yet but believe me the difference in me is noticeable. One of the biggest things I noticed when I was bigger was just how vulnerable I felt, I’m not scared of heights as a general rule I even went up Snowdon once as a kid (yep the hard way, wish I still had my certificate lol ). Since being bigger I don’t like standing on the edge of a cliff or the edge of anything for that matter, even the stairs can freak me.
I just know I have no control over my body, meaning that I couldn’t hold my body weight if I need to. I had no flexibility at all; I wouldn’t be able to fit through small gaps or even across the car seat. If I needed to be somewhere in an emergency I just wasn’t able to run at all. I’m still not great in those situations but I am a hell of a lot better than I was… only the other day I managed to climb down a very steep slope whilst out on a walk. Once upon a time I would have preferred to walk out of my way to find somewhere flatter. It’s the same with the muck trailer, initially I hated going up the ramp I was convinced it would break and I would be stuck up there. Now I know I could jump down if I needed to. Ok I would first sit down on the edge and then hop of the side, but believe me even the thought of sitting on the edge was enough to freak me out before.
Tomorrow I will go through how the time constraints affect my eating. And how I am trying to solve them.