However life likes to take over and I,ve been mega busy getting ready for a weekend of Easter egg hunts. On a plus note though my weight this morning was at 22st 1lbs… Fingers crossed I will see 21stone tomorrow, although not the best time with the aforementioned hunts coming up – oh yeah you read right plural hunts, in fact 4 days worth. I long for the day I have a big garden and can have everyone over on the one day.
I did find time to give NAS a cuddle and some extra mints, but the cutest was when Horatio went running up to him and gave him a big kiss. It has made me realise though I need to change my day around and NAS’s. so as from tomorrow I am going to start exercising him in the mornings before he goes out. This might mean it cuts his grazing down. But equally I know I don’t feel like exercising him mid afternoon and NAS especially doesn’t like it, in fact the other day his head was almost touching the ground.
It’s not set in stone and if I do have to leave him until later in the day I will, but generally speaking I want to get him exercised first thing. Doubt I will get a chance to ride him again for a few days. Which probably isn’t a bad thing what with all the chocolate in the house. I am doing well and resisting until the weekend. I,m still struggling with being too heavy for him, even though the videos show him as being fine.
One of the things I was going to mention quickly was… If you google weight limits for horses, the standard search says 20% of weight of horse. If you ask the same question for donkeys it’s 30% hmm as you know I,m no expert but still are they really that different. They could well be, but however you look at it… The weight will exert the same pressure load wether on a donkey or horse…