Tag Archive for cold

I’m Still Here!

Kind of, I have nearly frozen to the spot in the last few days, but I am here. Although I’ve wanted to post I just haven’t had the oomph to put pen to paper so to speak. I was on such a roll a couple of weeks ago and then the sudden drop in temperature completely knocked me off the… Read more →

Good For The Soul

Yesterday I got my hands on a naked Nas, I have one sexy horse and he’s like my eye candy just looking at him makes me feel good, it’s when I get my hands on him that the real magic happens. All I was doing was rubbing pig oil Into his feathers. It felt so soothing and calming after the… Read more →

Cold And Hungry

Do not go together and they never should, period! Don’t worry this isn’t going to be a rant about the state of this country etc., we all know there is a problem. What I am talking about is trying to diet whilst cold is Nye on impossible.  And seeing as its only me in the house during the day I… Read more →

Houdini Nas…

Or should I say Howdoes he do it lol. Yes Nas that scary thing on the ground is in fact your heavyweight weatherbeeta rug with full neck and leg straps. Still done up, as well as the belly straps. This is the 2nd time this winter I had gone to get him in and found a naked horse. And typically… Read more →

Almost Feeling Better

Usually when I have been ill in the past it completely wipes me out for a few days and then as soon as I start to feel better I go all out to catch up with what I haven’t been able to do. Normally someone would do Nas for me and I could just crash out on the sofa or… Read more →

A Day Of Mistakes

Why don’t I listen to what I preach…? And why does everything go out the window when I’m ill. It’s not fair (yes if I had the energy I would be stamping my feet). Yesterday I was all set for a very positive family themed Sunday. We had hot cross buns for breakfast (mistake no.1). We then went on a… Read more →

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