We Still Got It!

Well kind of, and I don’t know for sure about Nas. But after this weekend I know that despite my weight creeping back up, I managed to hold onto some kind of fitness. Ok I’m not going to be running a marathon any time soon, most likely that will be never!.

I do know I can still get out and about without being in a world of pain, maybe just a cul de sac worth. I also did so many steps at the weekend I was convinced I was training for Rocky. It was great though and I only officially collapsed once.

And that was up one of the really tight on your hands and knees tower at the Tower of London. Still I wasn’t fazed and pushed on, in the past I would of done so much and then got to the point where I didn’t want to do anymore and would make excuses to go sit down.

This time I was determined to see it all and enjoy it! We did so much walking over the weekend it was hard work but enjoyable. Even battling the crowds in Leicester square to get to m&m world! We didn’t buy nearly enough in there.

So that was my first night away from home since our move to Norfolk nearly two years ago. It was nice to finally get away and have someone to look after the animals, was even nicer to come home to the animals. I even bought Nas back into work on Sunday.

Just a 20min spin on the lunge, not much but it’s just a start to get him back into work mode. Like a pro though he knew what to do. I took a rather amateurish video I will try to sort for a proper update. It’s less than 16 weeks until cross country day.

As for my diet! Just don’t ask, over the weekend I tried a new theory. On days like that I’ve decided that as long as I push myself and don’t sit there. I can have what I like to eat, which is pretty much what I did hence making the boy walk from covent garden to regent street.

This worked well and I think I will try and keep to that theory in future. The only problem was yesterday when I got home I wanted to continue eating and not push self as much. I did realise that half the time I go off the rails it’s because I can’t get my head around what I should/ shouldn’t be doing.

It’s like I relax for a bit and then when it’s time to cut back again, I either forget what I was doing before, or I try to push it so I can eat more than I should. So last night I had a think about this and today I’m in a better equipped place to get back on it.

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