Oh Horse Poop

By the title you might think this post is all about horses and their poop, you’ll have to forgive me though because although my whole day rotates around picking up mess from one creature or another that isn’t the purpose of this post.

I’m also going to ask you to forgive me for the amount of  s#!t I do spout on here sometimes, please believe me when I write a post that it is truly what I am thinking at that given time, whether it’s right or wrong at that moment I have faith in what I am typing. I would like to point out even though I back track go around in circles and often say the same thing more than once, there is always a little bit of truth in what I am typing.

And as much as I believed two days ago that I would not get on the scales for 2014 or stay away from sweet treats and that I was going to stick to three meals etc. etc. today I believe the complete opposite. The same goes for thinking I would have had some proper horsey time by now, I thought I would get out there as soon as the boy went back to school. What I didn’t bank on was the abysmal weather and then the break down f a washing machine a house in chaos and the sudden impact the school/work routine has had on us.

So yeah I will admit it sometimes I can say a lot of nonsense. In my defence though I don’t give up if I think something isn’t working I go back to the drawing board and start afresh with a new perspective and a greater determination (for that day at least).  I have been thinking though maybe I should stop telling you what I am going to do but actually wait until I’m doing it and then share that in a post. Thinking deeper into it I have started using this blog like one of those diet magazines/clubs where I get myself hyped up about what I’m going to do and no matter how much I talk it up I still don’t actually achieve anything.

So yeah sod it I will weigh I will eat chocolate and I probably won’t have breakfast. Who knows! I have to get myself organised this year I can’t keep this living from moment to moment, one thing I have really got to do is make sure I do a food shop once a week either online or a specified trip. I’ve got to stop the dashing out for the odd item; there is nothing more disruptive to my day than when I have to pop to the shops for something menial. It also makes the whole being good harder seeing as not only do I have the lure of costa coffee now I’ve also got the sweet counter to contend with.

So I took a couple of pictures of myself yesterday when I was still on the no weigh thing. I thought it would be good to do a selfie of the outfit I aiming to be in before I ride Nas again. If I post a pic of when I last wore the jods it will give you a comparison. Also I don’t actually know my weight at the moment still because the scales are in the barn I’ve been using them to weigh Nas’s haylage out.


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