Not What I Wanted…

To see again, argh! I almost saw it last week but managed to pull it back together and then just as I was feeling back in control the craziness of going back to school started. If I thought I had no time in the holidays it was nothing compared to getting everything ready for school.

On top of that we were trying to make the most of the last few days of the holidays and of course this had to include lots of delicious food. Now I don’t for one second think it’s the enjoying life food that is the problem it’s the stress and comfort food. I will admit to sitting on the sofa with bucket loads of chocolate and crisps.

It’s so hard to snap myself out of this mentality when I don’t even have time to think straight most days, and just when I think I have a handle on the boy and family life one of the animals likes to throw a spanner in the works, such as one of the cats bringing in a live bird for her kittens to play with. Or Nas being a complete idiot and pretending to be afraid of the fly spray.

I really need everything to run smoothly for me to stay focused but the problem is if I lose my focus and motivation everything goes to pot, Nas has still been living out for the past few weeks and is getting more and more wild, I bought him in last week and he barged me out of the way twice. I know that isn’t his fault as such and as soon as I start working and handling him again his manners will come back.

But it does make me feel guilty same as I feel guilty we haven’t walked the dogs in a while. And although I use the car as an excuse not to, there is nothing to stop me taking them up the local footpath. So yeah I haven’t been good at all, My fitness is right down even walking the boy to school seemed quite distance.

Having said all that though, l think I am finally getting there my head is in a more positive place despite a day out yesterday I stuck to the principles of my diet and I even managed not to munch in the evening when Steve was crunching on a packet of crisps. Ok sure the scales still said 23stone this morning, I know I was good yesterday and I can do the same again today. And from tomorrow I am going to be ultra good.

Life is about to get very busy again but in a good way, Nas will be bought in at night from tomorrow and I am going to make sure I get out with the dogs – just as soon as I am on top of the poo picking- and then I will be spending some more time on this blog, look out for some big changes coming soon. And details of my next riding goal.

Talking about riding, the plan is Nas will be coming back into work next week and I will be aiming to ride him just as soon as I see 21stone (something) on those poxy scales. Hopefully by this time my fitness will be back a bit and I won’t feel like such a sack of potatoes. Right time for me to load up for a bootsale.


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