Nas Is ‘ILL’

It was thursday night just after dinner, the back door was open and I could. Hear Nas coughing, this isn’t unusual for him. Except this time it was quite loud and constant.

My first thought was choke! After a quick check over the was nothing obvious, so I got him out the box and walked him around. He stopped coughing while moving. But soon started again.

His whole body was involved with the cough he was farting with every one. He then eased and didn’t cough. So I put him away while I headed back inside.

I had the window open and didn’t hear him cough! When I went back out to check him though he started coughing again, and this time it sounded like he was wheezing and trying to catch breath.

I decided to call the vet out. I walked him around a bit as this seemed to stop him coughing. He was now clammy to touch and his breathing was definitely elevated.

After examining him, the vet was unsure of the prognosis, he knew it wasn’t choke. His temperature was normal. Lungs weren’t wheezy but they were working hard.

We then found a tender spot under near his jaw. The vet said it was a tough call and the only way to really know was to scope him. This wasn’t an option (I don’t have transport).

He then said it was hard to call what to trat for it could be one of three things, foreign body,allergy or infection. And the problem comes from treating one could contradict if it was the wrong call.

In the end he decided on a course of action, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. Nas had 2 injections. It was decided there was nothing more we could do, and to let him rest. By this time the coughing had eased.

Nas was exhausted and had his nose resting on my foot. I think to of boxed him at that point would of been too much. if there was no change in the morning the vet was going to come and collect him.

Fortunatly there was a change and he was a much happier horse. I also didn’t hear him cough through the night, and he didn’t cough right up until the time I’d just got of the phone to the vets saying he hadn’t coughed.

And then he coughed just the same as the night before. Luckily I was waiting on a call from the vet, and explained what was going on. I said he had improved and was anxious for his breakfast.

He agreed that as there was improvement to give him soaked breakfast and to turn him out. All the while keeping an eye out for and changes for the worse.

Nas was out grazing all day until the vet arrived to give him another set of shots. Again nas didn’t cough, the vet said it was like seeing a different horse and that he’d never seen a horse cough so violently.

He also commented on how he it seems we have caught whatever it was early and that it could of been horrible. He said he had treated for infection and not allegy.

Nas then coughed violently again just as I was leading him out. The vet was unhappy with this. We agreed the best thing was to leave him out and a course of double dose antibiotics.

So poor nas not only ill, he had his first night out in the field in five years. To be honest I think I was more worried! He was fine and I haven’t heard him cough.

I haven’t heard him cough, and he has a small discharge from his nose that was dark green at first and is now a milky colour.

I’m watching him like a hawk and will tell you of any updates.

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