Cutting Out Whats Not Needed

As you know I have no specific rules on this diet, the emphasis is to eat less to weigh less. I’m not talking calories here, I’m talking quantity.

A lot of the reason I am over weight is because I can’t say no to one more biscuit. Or an extra dollop of mayonnaise. When really the extra biscuit tastes just the same as the last.

And If I wanted I could eek out the mayo I already had. Sure sometimes I can’t and I need the extra, maybe just not a whole dollop.

So the way I try to keep on track is not to graze throughout the day I usually have set meal times. Lunch and dinner, as well as one sweet treat.

This last week though I have been trying to be really good (want to see 19st in the new year) so I have cut out the individual sweet treat.

This doesn’t mean I am cutting out treats altogether. Because if I fancy cake for lunch then that’s what I’ll have. Or snacks in front of a film. I won’t ever have a day of two pieces of cake.

Without fail I will have a meal of sorts, even if its beans on toast (3slices of buttered toast) or like last night we had roast pork potatoes (4) and stuffing with vegetables.

Sometimes its hard not having a dessert others I can just get up and start the washing up. I find if I don’t dwell on it, I can be stronger.

At the weekends though -especially the ones we are out and about- I will have the treat. Otherwise I know I’ll just come home and go of the rails completly

One of the good things about keeping it simple means, I don’t spend the day obsessing over what I have eaten, and how much I have left.

I try to stay busy- stop eat- back to busy. Not think of food – eat- think of food.

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