Boy Nas Is Fresh

Nas has been clipped and he looks very handsome, i have to make a small confession here piebald’s aren’t my first pick of horses and definitely not ones with roman noses, or geldings for that matter, I’m more inclined to a pretty chestnut mare. But sometimes Nas just takes your breath away at how handsome a horse he is, the girl that clipped him for me did a brilliant job and managed to do half of his face, so his jawline and cheeks are now fur free. (Please don’t think i am into my horse in the wrong way lol, sometimes his hind legs look to cute and i have to cuddle them but other than that I’m pretty normal). I really wish i had a camera on me yesterday when i turned him out, he trotted around his field like a real professional, head supple but still in a good outline and carrying himself correctly. It made me just  want to ride him. The only other time i had seen him move that nicely was when the groom here was riding him and had a lesson with a German trainer that comes over to train our yard owner. I’m hoping that next year i will be the one having lesson’s on him.

 There is a slight flaw to my plans, I’m good at dreaming the dream but i do tend to focus too much on that and not the journey there, you know I’ve been saying i want to ride Nas on 1st January, well so far i am about 5lbs behind schedule, i really wanted to be below 300 when i rode him. And the other major factor is, Nas hasn’t done any real work for a few months now. So even if i did manage to drop the weight it would be unfair to get on a horse that hasn’t been bought back into work properly. I had thought i would be ticking him over at least but each day my time seems to get taken up by something else (i know i put too much into Christmas, but it is an important time of year for me and family). I haven’t fully decided whether to try and get him fitter in the next 3 weeks or so or to just take the time out enjoy Christmas and start getting him fit in the New Year. I want to do what’s best for me and Nas, as well as for Hubby and Horatio. We are busy every weekend and some week nights up to Christmas and then over Christmas i doubt I’ll have time to do anything with him. But then i think i should at least try to find the time. Oooh i dunno will have a think about it today.

I’m just having one more coffee and then I’m going to muck him out.

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